Advanced get 12
Advanced get 12

Juggernaut: Let the hate of the False Emperor flow through you.With Advanced and Master Force Push, the range and damage inflicted will increase! Force Push: Telekinetically compress and expel the air before you into a powerful burst, allowing you to repel foes.Energy Resist: Focusing the Force into compressed pockets around your body, Energy Resistance, and the Advanced and Master Energy Resist upgrades, allow you to reduce the damage you receive from other Lightsabers.Blade Throw: Telekinetically direct the arc of your Lightsaber, allowing you to strike opponents from a distance, with Advanced Blade Throwing granting a greater striking area.This increases in potency and range with Advanced Battle Meditation and Master Battle Meditation. Battle Meditation: Made famous by Jedi Sentinel Bastila Shan, you can use the Force to focus the minds of your allies, granting bonuses to their Force Pool and Melee Damage.Masters of the art can even use Force Vision to even locate the unseen. Sight: All living things use the force, so a focused practitioner can sense it to locate creatures, until you can Gaze upon even fellow force users.Speed: Through a combination of altering time perception and muscle augmentation with the Force, you become more swift and agile for a few moments.Be warned, for those strong in the force may still be able to locate you. Stealth: Bend the very Light around you, making you invisible for limited periods.Force Stasis extends it further before Stasis Field allows you to disable multiple opponents! Stun: Let the Force flow into your enemy's mind, disabling their ability to move for a short time.Fortify: Focus your mind, so that even the strongest Sith can’t break you! Fortify, Advanced Fortify and Master Fortify reduce the damage inflicted by certain Force Powers for a limited time.

advanced get 12

Extend your gift even to your allies with the Master Healing Upgrade!

  • Heal: Influence the very midichlorians in your body to rapidly repair your cells, with greater precision with Advanced Healing.
  • Even a Sith will think twice before crossing you.
  • Wound: Use the force to crush the internal organs of your opponents! Later, force the very air out of their lungs with Choke, until you master the art of Torture using the force.
  • Shock: Be just like the Emperor, shooting out bolts of lightning from your fingertips! Upgrades to Force Lightning and Force Maelstrom to ensure maximum devastation!.
  • Drain Life: Using the Dark Side, rip the very life force from your enemies to heal yourself! Bring them to the brink with Consume Life, and then absorb the lives of multiple Jedi with the Death Field Upgrade!.
  • #Advanced get 12 upgrade#

    You will gain Force XP alongside standard XP to purchase and upgrade powers, as well as advance your overall Force Mastery. Some combinations may not be available without console commands.ġ3 unique, upgradable abilities you can now unlock with new Holocrons that can be found in the world. *Exact estimate is 67,659,977,148,192, based off the total combinations of both single and double-bladed lightsabers, including color and modifier crystals. The balance of the Force is now in your hands - will you be a defender of the Light, or embrace the Dark Side? To celebrate the upcoming release of Star Wars: Rogue One, Advanced Lightsaber finally allows you and your friends to learn the ways of The Force, as well as explore new structures and discover new hilt combinations, boosting the estimated total combinations of possible Lightsabers to an eye watering 67 TRILLION*! A new day dawns on Advanced Lightsabers, as Version 1.1: Dawn of the Force is finally released!

    Advanced get 12